
  • Mochammad Malik Ibrahim STIKES Arrahma Mandiri Indonesia Author
  • Anggilia Difani Putri STIKES Arrahma Mandiri Indonesia Author
  • Laylatul Machfiroh STIKES Arrahma Mandiri Indonesia Author
  • Nur Halimah STIKES Arrahma Mandiri Indonesia Author
  • Nuril Hidayati STIKES Arrahma Mandiri Indonesia Author
  • Risqiyatus Sholiha STIKES Arrahma Mandiri Indonesia Author
  • Dhe Sinta Maharani STIKES Arrahma Mandiri Indonesia Author


quality, satisfaction, service


In the era of globalization, improving the quality of treatmen in medical facilities is very important. Evaluation of improving the quality of health services can be carried out by prioritizing patient happiness, which is the main benchmark in assessing service quality. Services are considered good by patients if they are able to achieve the patient’s need or expectations as the main goal. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the level of satisfaction of BPJS participants with the health services they receive at health facilities and the quality of the services the receive. In order to achieve the desired target, a literature review is used as a tool to carefully evaluate and compare and satisfaction of service recipients at the hospital. The method used in this research is a literature review with Google Scholar used as the data search strategy. The keywords chosen are quality, satisfaction, and service. The results of research based on a review of journals that have been researched show that the relathionship between the quality of services provided and the satisfaction of BPJS participants is good. However, hospitals must continue to strive to improve the quality of service for BPJS user participants, especially in terms of physical evidence, response, assurance and empathy.


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